Çıkış Tarihi     : 29 Eylül 1989 Cuma, Yapım Yılı : 1989
Türü                : Drama,Romantik,Savaş
Ülke                : ABD
Yapımcı          :  Warner Bros. , Yorktown Productions
Yönetmen       : Norman Jewison (IMDB)
Senarist          : Bobbie Ann Mason (IMDB),Frank Pierson (IMDB),Cynthia Cidre (IMDB)
Oyuncular      : Bruce Willis (IMDB)(ekşi), Emily Lloyd (IMDB)(ekşi), Joan Allen (IMDB)(ekşi), Kevin Anderson (IMDB)(ekşi), John Terry (IMDB)(ekşi), Peggy Rea (IMDB), Judith Ivey (IMDB)(ekşi), Daniel Jenkins (IMDB)(ekşi), Stephen Tobolowsky (IMDB), Jim Beaver (IMDB), Richard Hamilton (IMDB), Heidi Swedberg (IMDB), Ken Jenkins (IMDB), Jonathan Hogan (IMDB), Patricia Richardson (IMDB), Kimberly Faith Jones (IMDB), Don Young (IMDB), Mark Sawyer-Dailey (IMDB), Linda Kinard (IMDB), W.G. Harvey (IMDB), Rebecca Reynolds (IMDB), Erin Hendley (IMDB), Tyler Cote (IMDB), Gena Colley (IMDB), Belinda Coatley (IMDB), Hazel Elliott (IMDB), Walter Spann (IMDB), Terry Draper (IMDB), Steve Frogue (IMDB), Jim Gaines (IMDB), Rod Hightower (IMDB), Greg Smothers (IMDB), Charlie Lamb (IMDB), Earl Cole (IMDB), Clovis Lovelace Sr. (IMDB), Michael Mayes (IMDB), Larry McCullaugh (IMDB), Ken Sigers (IMDB), Mike Smith (IMDB), Tom Stratton (IMDB) >>devamı>>

In Country (~ Un héros comme tant d'autres) ' Filminin Konusu :
In Country is a movie starring Emily Lloyd, Bruce Willis, and Joan Allen. A young girl whose father died in the Vietnam War becomes determined to find out more about him and his experiences.

  • "bir meydan okuma cümlesi. (bkz: so tell the girls i am back in town)"
  • ""the capulcu you rule is gone" seklinde karsilik verilecek cumledir.(bkz: the girl i love is gone)"
  • "(bkz: neden because süleyman is back in town)"

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