the white chief says that big chief at washington sends us greetings of friendship and goodwill. this is kind of him for we know he has little need of our ...
Dec 29, 2009 · into this a man's carcass is dumped, covered over with moss, and left with the assurance that it will rise on the crack of doom, wholly and ...
Mar 31, 2005 · ... men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends ...
Apr 11, 2022 · “men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared, but only men ... god will accomplish his gracious purposes in his ...
blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper, and the finder ...
... men. blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. for he is truly his brother's keeper ...
such sentiments as may be expected in these men will make good soldiers. a sense of honor, by preventing them from behaving ill, will make them victorious.
Dec 29, 2009 · 'so, my good comrades, ye have again forgotten that you were men? good! very good. there will be fewer bellies to feed.' sitka charley ...
"and all men kill the thing they love, by all let this be heard, some do it with a bitter look, some with a flattering word, the coward does it with a kiss, the ...
Sep 26, 2022 · ıf you've been wondering why it's so hard to find a good man, how men think, how they work, why they lie, cheat, deceive, and manipulate women, ...